Your religion and WHY


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Re: Your religion and WHY


So anyone who does not believe in god has to live their life in miserable doubt? Hmm guess i missed that day in school. No misery or doubt here. I am quite happy, and quite sure i will die, and then be dead.

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Don't believe that I said that.........I said that "I" choose to live my life with the absolute know, rather than live miserably in doubt. That was a statement pointed to myself and to no one else. For I, of all people, know what it is like to live in doubt. Wondering if this whole "thing" is really true. But thank God.......that He (God) settled that in my heart by the quite speaking of the Holy Spirit. As far as how you choose to live, that is totally between you and our Maker! Sorry for the misconception in what I said. Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

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Re: Your religion and WHY

Currently attend a small non-denominational church and like it a lot. I don't think one religion is right and one is wrong, but like Oneida Man said they need to teach the bible....there is only one way to heaven and it ain't through works. There will be people of all religions in heaven as long as they accepted Christ into their life and asked for his forgiveness.

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Re: Your religion and WHY


there is only one way to heaven and it ain't through works

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This is where I get confused a bit. Does God forgive all sins? confused.gif So the believers who commit horrible sins, like rape, murder, chld abuse etc... will get to heaven if they believe?? and people like myself who don't believe yet live a respectable life won't. Sounds a bit fishy to me.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Your religion and WHY

Raised a Southern Baptist. Don't see anything wrong with Methodists, non-denominational churches or Assemblies of God churches, or Churches of Christ, etc., etc.,

There are many religions that claim to be "Christian" that I believe are NOT.

I like the Baptist way of worship though. My mother now attends a Methodist church, but I find it extremely boring. And I have been to an Assembly of God church before and found it to be too "charismatic" for my taste. Nothing wrong with it, it's just not for me. (I don't speak in tongues and wouldn't rattle a tambourine)

I have a lot of questions as far as the way Catholics believe, but I am not going to say that they aren't going to Heaven.

When I was in college, I signed up for Comparitive Religion thinking that we would be discussing this very topic, but it turned out to be comparing hinduism and buddhism and stuff like that. B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!!

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Re: Your religion and WHY


I'm just asking an honest question. Why the sig: Hunt Hard, Laugh Often, Life is to short not to enjoy it!

I understand part a and b. But after the discussion in here, why do you say life is short?

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Re: Your religion and WHY



I'm just asking an honest question. Why the sig: Hunt Hard, Laugh Often, Life is to short not to enjoy it!

I understand part a and b. But after the discussion in here, why do you say life is short?

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Just quoting from the Bible............James 4:14 to be exact, "Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow, For what is your life? It is even a vapor (lit. "A mist"), that appeareth for a little while, and then vanisheth away" Life is too short, not to enjoy it. That is the explanation of the signature. grin.gif

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Re: Your religion and WHY


your right deldeer........when you die, you are nothing but an empty shell........but according to the Word of God.......there is a soul in that shell that will spend an eternity somewhere.........that is why that it is important, as they guys have stated, that you believe on Jesus! not a church or a denomination, but Jesus. For He is the only way to heaven (John 14:6)

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So then what will your soul do? I guess going hunting is out of the question! grin.gif

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Re: Your religion and WHY



your right deldeer........when you die, you are nothing but an empty shell........but according to the Word of God.......there is a soul in that shell that will spend an eternity somewhere.........that is why that it is important, as they guys have stated, that you believe on Jesus! not a church or a denomination, but Jesus. For He is the only way to heaven (John 14:6)

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So then what will your soul do? I guess going hunting is out of the question! grin.gif

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That would be a reasonable response.........definitely not hunting! grin.gif

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Re: Your religion and WHY



I'm just asking an honest question. Why the sig: Hunt Hard, Laugh Often, Life is to short not to enjoy it!

I understand part a and b. But after the discussion in here, why do you say life is short?

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Compared to eternity, life on earth is pretty darn short.

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Re: Your religion and WHY

That's not the point doc. Believe and live eternal life. Eternal life of what? Haaa. Weak humans will grab on to anything if the mind believes in it enough. Look at nature and the answers are there. Simple stuff. Don't humanize it (to me that relates to Buckee's "imagination" term he used in another post) and you will learn.

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Re: Your religion and WHY


I find it amusing when I hear "christians" say "God will provide". But you never hear them say "unless it's your time to go". What you mentioned, people dying from earthquakes, natural tragedies, etc, isn't in a religion. It's a matter of the wrong place at the wrong time, and they were the unlucky ones. You see it in nature all the time.

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Re: Your religion and WHY



I find it amusing when I hear "christians" say "God will provide". But you never hear them say "unless it's your time to go". What you mentioned, people dying from earthquakes, natural tragedies, etc, isn't in a religion. It's a matter of the wrong place at the wrong time, and they were the unlucky ones. You see it in nature all the time.

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Sorry for being a prude, but you are one disillusioned dude! Because, in my opinion, all that you can do is base your answers and statements upon things that are so far fetched that even the human mind can't fathom them. As far as saying, "God will provide"......I do believe that this is true..........but I also believe that when it is your time to is your time to go and no human force this side of eternity can or will stop that. Back to the book of James.......the Bible says in James 4:15, "For that ye ought to say if the Lord will we shall live and do this or that"........which literally means that everything that happens, is not just a "nature of time".....but rather all according to God's divine plan........and as far as your statement about "nature", yes indeed, just look around......... someone had to do this..........and the one who did was God!

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Re: Your religion and WHY


That's okay preacher. I think you talk out of both sides of your mouth mentioning eternal life and life is short literally in the same breath. But that's okay!

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O.K., that's fine........believe what you want to believe, put words in my mouth to make me say what you want me to say........but trust me, if you believe in trust, there will come a day when you will remember the words of the old preacherman......and wish that you had a different opinion! Because there is coming a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord(by the way, that is scriptural).......and then you will see that life on this side of eternity has indeed been short........but where you will spend eternity (that is between you and God) will last a little longer than you have ever expected. And of this, I have no doubt! I just pray that God will challenge and convict your heart and that will be in heaven!

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Re: Your religion and WHY


Because there is coming a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord(by the way, that is scriptural).......and then you will see that life on this side of eternity has indeed been short

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Can I hear an AMEN smile.gif

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