Diamond Bows By BowTech??


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Guest Buck Magnet 007

Re: Diamond Bows By BowTech??

I have talked to alot of guys that own BowTechs and bought themselves the new Diamonds this year. They all said that the quality is incredible and that these bows are absolute performers exactly like the "big" name bows. I have heard nothing but great things, and for the price, the performance just can't be beat!

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Re: Diamond Bows By BowTech??


Diamond bows are made in shreveport,louisiana.They are some really nice looking bows.

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Not any more. Bowtech bought Diamond from Josh. Diamond is dead. frown.gif Josh still makes some parts for both Bowtech and the "new" Diamond line, but he is not involved in the design and assembly of the bows anymore.

As an owner of a couple true Diamond bows, the new Diamonds don't hold a candle to the originals (call me bitter if you want). I've shot all the new ones and the Victory is the only decent one of the bunch if you ask me.

It was a sad sad day last fall when Diamond died.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Re: Diamond Bows By BowTech??

My hunting buddy has a Diamond and I have the Bowtech model it is based on. Both are darn nice. Very very similar, but not exactly the same. Both kill deer just fine smile.gif.

I am in total agreement that the Victory is a mighty fine bow.

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Guest Sagitarius

Re: Diamond Bows By BowTech??

We sell them in the Gander that I work in. I spoke to their rep just this last Saturday and he told me that the Diamonds and the Bowtecs come off the exact same assebly line. Same parts, same tolerances just different stickers. Some of the diamonds that have the wood handels actulally have Bowtec grips on them. The Victory single cam is my next purchase.

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