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Without getting too deep I returned to traditional archery after almost 17 years of compounds.

When I swapped back I first tried putting sights on my recurve being use to it in the compound world.

Over the summer of shooting that bow I started to realize the pins were getting in my way, then the entire sight. So I took them off and felt unobstructed.

I also realized I no longer needed to judge yardage, only look at my target and let loose.

My groups were barely called groups but in short time after removing the sights I was hitting better and better.

My interest in archery was growing again and I enjoyed it more and more.

Thats why I love traditional bows more now then any compound I ever had.

I am not as accurate yet, still having 1" groups at 40 yards with my compound, but when I do shoot a good groups, its 1000x more gratifying then hitting a tiny spot with all those bells and whistles.


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I get a feeling of what it must have been like for our early archers trying to develope that connection of just knowing that the shot is right by sense. I shoot instinctive with my compound as well as my recurve, and really like the feel of it.

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When I was a kid, I used to go to the ravine behind my friend's house and cut a piece of honeysuckle, strip the bark, notch the ends, tie on some kite string, then hunt for some straight golden rods, put a nock in the golden rods, and WHAMMO! instant instinctive shooting fool.

Skewered my buddy right in the gut one day. His cap pistol was no match for my honeysuckle magic. Classic, seeing Scott crumple to the ground with my golden rod arrow sticking out.

That, and fiddling around with my son's bow is the only instinctive shooting I do and did. Totally sighted now.

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Guest grunter


I do both. I shoot sights on my compounds and instinctively with my recurve. One thing I do the same with both bows is I shoot fingers. That way my anchor point is always the same. grin.gif

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I'm struggling with sights right now.. I've always shot instinctive, even when I had a compound. Have just shot a recurve for the last few years. I bought a Parker compound recently and some sights for it. I'm trying to get the sights "sighted in". I never had a problem with a string slapping my forearm either, until trying to use sights. I'm thinking of taking them off because they just seem to get in the way. I'll give it a few more tries though. I probably need to go to a pro shop and get a few pointers with them, otherwise it's back to the tried and true instinct.

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