scent control


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I was just thinking, If baking soda eliminates oders in the refrigorator, would it do the same on you?

If so that would be cheaper than any of the scent elimination powders on the market. But i'm not sure about the sprays, how would it still absorb odors if you mixed it with water in a spray bottle?

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Re: scent control

I am sure it would work better then having nothing on. But I would put it dry in a sock and pat/dust yourself other then trying to do the spray bottle. Eventually anything you spray would dry back to a powder anyways and may not be quite as "thick" as you may of wanted..

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Re: scent control

KS--I have been using this recipe for 3 years now. It is so cheap to make and in my opinion works great! It has been posted on this site many times.

1 Gal. of distilled water

2 pints of 3% hydrogen peroxide (some use equal parts of water and peroxide but I think this is plenty.)

1 1 pound box of household soda

1 oz. of scentless soap.

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