Fred Bear / Golden Eagle


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Re: Fred Bear / Golden Eagle

Fred Bear and Jennings were bought out by Escalade sports.

The Buckmaster brand falls under Fred Bear. And if I'm not mistaken, the Golden Eagle line may have been changed to the Mossy Oak line. I know they were the Golden Eagle Mossy Oak Obsession bows, but lately I've noticed their advertising leaves the GE off.

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Re: Fred Bear / Golden Eagle

Golden Eagle was a brand name. A few years ago, the Golden Eagle, Jennings, Buckmaster (made by Jennings), and Fred Bear bow lines were owned by the North American Archery Group (NAAG). At that time, the NAAG was operating in bankruptcy.

After NAAG, the entity became known as the Fred Bear Equipment Company. I'm not sure if the name change occurred before or after its acquisition by Escalade Sports. Escalade Sports also manufactures [or serves as a holding company for manufacturers of] pool tables, ping pong tables, basketball goals and other sporting equipment.

If I remember correctly, Golden Eagle bows were renamed "Fred Bear" and "Team Realtree" bows, depending upon the model. Those bows may now be affiliated with Mossy Oak.

I considered purchasing a Jennings bow a few years ago, until I discovered that the company was owned by Escalade Sports. Escalade Sports is the company that ran Xi Archery into the ground [and bankruptcy/liquidation] 5-7 years ago. I noticed that Escalade reduced the warranty on the Jennings bows after acquisition as well. Given their history, I question Escalade's ability to manage an archery business. Time will tell.

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