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I just got a cheap feeder from Cabelas to compliment my salt lick and Stealth Cam. How high off the ground should I put it? It is only a couple feet off the ground now because I was getting hammered worse than ever before by the mosquitos. This Is the one I got. Thanks! Also, I set it to spin two seconds morning and evening. Is that ok? I do not have but a few deer coming. So I figured four seconds a day if enough.

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Re: Feeders

When I used those in East Texas...I would hang the on a limb from a tree about 5' off the ground...If you have cattle you will need to raise it up or build a fence around it to keep the cows from bumping it and getting the corn out....

As for the timer ....If their is a 1/2" gap between the throwing plate and the cone you should get about a 1/4 Lb. of corn each time it goes off.....

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Re: Feeders

Hey Jim,

I suspend mine between 2 trees with a light cable and have it about 6-8 feet up.

How much feed comes out in 2 seconds? I've had my timer spin for 20 seconds and get about an ice cream bucket full.

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