wanted cheap kids bow or parts!!!


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I recieved a martin lynx for my daughter from a freind and need modules to make it from a 28 to a 26" its a 25-40 pound bow,

Or if anyone has a cheap bow for my daughter that will shoot up to 40 pounds and is a 26 inch I may be interested! I do not want to pay much couse I am not sure if she will like it to much, just tryign to get her into it! plus this martin should fit her fine in a year or two ! Thanks for any help!!

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Re: wanted cheap kids bow or parts!!!

I have a Hoyt Banshee that is 6 months old with a fork rest. It has a 35-45 lb. draw. Draw length is 20 to 23.5 with the modules that are in it. I have the after market modules to extend the draw. The pro shop didn't say how long it will make it but the kid behind the counter said that he could shoot it with the expansion modules that he gave me and he was about 16 or 17 and almost as big as me. I am six foot with about a 29 or 30 inch draw depending on whether or not I'm shooting with sights or instinctive. I'll sell you the bow and rest that's on it for $90.00 plus shipping.

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Re: wanted cheap kids bow or parts!!!

It'll be here if you want it. I bought one for each of my boys. The oldest one is fine with his but the little one needs something different. I had to buy the same bows because you know how kids are..."Hey his is better!" Santa had to be fair.

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