Guest tyshe17

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Guest tyshe17

THe Montecs are great broadheads, and will not break. However, they are one piece so you have to do the sharpening and for some people that is a turn off. I shoot muzzys myself, but if I had $30 to drop on 3 broadheads I would shoot the Crossfires. They are the best on the market in my opinion.

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Switched to Muzzy years ago, and never had the urge to change. IMHO, they are the hardest hitting, best penetrating and most durable braodhead on the market. I like how the blades interlock and I hate sharpening blades, so I just get the replacement blades.

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Guest Bama


I have shot all kinds of broadheads, and by far the most accurate and devastating broadhead I have used was the NAP Nitron. I shoot a bow with the speed less than 250 fps and I had a quartering away shot that entered the R shoulder and exited the back L leg. Pulled the arrow out, washed it off and used it on another doe later in the year. From day one they shot exactly with my field tips, no other head has done that, not Muzzy, Montecs, or Crimson Talons. I am hooked!

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Guest tyshe17


best head on the market...Crossfires with out a doubt, but I shoot muzzys cuz I get 6 for the price of 3 crossfires...broke college gu

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