Farthest shot


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Re: Farthest shot

I shoot at 50 yards every time I practice. On a target, I am pretty confident at that yardage. In the woods, I would NEVER even consider a 50 yard shot at a live animal. There are too many things that can go wrong at the moment of truth. For me to consider a shot from 35 to 40yards, the situation would have to be absolutely perfect. I don't need to kill a deer bad enough to risk wounding and not recovering a deer by flinging an arrow at it at 50 yards. Thats just me, I'm sure other are comfortable at long ranges, and don't have to think twice.

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Re: Farthest shot

35 yards max at an animal. There is too much that can happen at longer distances between the time the arrow is released and the time the arrow gets to the animal. You might be dead on with your shot but what if the animal takes a step or two between the time you release and the time the arrow gets there??? Just something to think about.

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Re: Farthest shot

I killed a buck at 38 yards in my younger, dumber years. I'd probably not try it again, even though I'm a much better shot now, use a laser rangefinder and my equipment is exponentially better. It takes an arrow a long time to go that far. A lot can go wrong in 1/2 a second. I like something between 15 and 25 yards. I scout and set my stands accordingly.

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Re: Farthest shot


whats the farthest shot you will take with your bow, i have taken a 50 yard shot before, i missed barely right under neither the front leg...

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I've nailed a deer at 50, 42, 38 and closer yds before. I only take the longer shots if I can zap it with the laser rangefinder and if there is no wind and the animal is calm. More misses have probably happened within 20 yds.

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Guest antlers21

Re: Farthest shot

My max hunting shot would be out to 40 yrds, I took a deer two years ago at 35. I shoot at 50 a lot while practicing but wont take the chance in the field.

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Guest grunter

Re: Farthest shot

I took a deer at 32 yds once. I'll shoot out to 25 with my compound and 15-20 with my recurve. My average shot is 10 yds or less. I like it close and personal.

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Re: Farthest shot

In the woods...I won't take a shot longer than 25 yards. I do hunt alot of field edges and range areas first. My longest shot was a doe that was quartering away feeding...exactly 35 yards. She was standing over a big brown clump of grass in a field that I ranged earlier at 35 yards...couldn't pass it up. wink.gif

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Re: Farthest shot

We use to shoot at 70 yards into a clay bank at beer cans. I managed to get pretty good at this. But in the woods I wont go over 40. We have to many limbs and trees in the way. Those limbs and trees like to jump out in front of your arrow. They do that you know. grin.gif

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