I saw War of the Worlds last nite

Guest Andrea

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Guest Andrea

It was pretty good. Yeah, Tom Cruise is completely of his rocker, but the movie was good.

I don't think it'll be the summer block buster they want it to be, but it was well worth the $7.50 ticket price.

It was pretty scary and I found myself holding my breath a lot. If you liked the movie "Signs" then you'll like this. This one is a more violent though.

If you go see it and you think it bombs, don't yell at me, please!?!!?! Just tellin ya'll what I thought about it. grin.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: I saw War of the Worlds last nite


hmm, i watched it last night too. I've never been very much of a movie person, but i thought this one was really good. But the ending was horrible.

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I thought the ending was pretty smart. But I don't want to give anything away, so I'll shut up.

Well, I will say this: Something had to end it and that made a lot of sense. Did you understand it or were you just hoping for a heroic/violent ending?? smile.gif

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Guest Andrea

Re: I saw War of the Worlds last nite



We better not say any more about the details. grin.gif

But it was really sad that he and the little girl died.

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Nice! Got any national secrets you want to share as well? grin.gif

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I was wondering when someone would say something about that.

I was just kidding!!! tongue.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: I saw War of the Worlds last nite

I saw it Wednesday night. The effects rocked.

The "war" ended as it does in the book and in the original movie.

For those that have seen it, the final scene at the boston home of the "in-laws" was way too contrived, and just another "typical Hollywood ending".

The special effects make it one to see in the theater. Too many of the effects will be lost on the small screen.

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