Lefty bows?


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I am getting back into bow hunting after having a 7 year bought with being hooked on Quack (don't know why they would have bow season at the same time as Duck?)

Any way, my wife and 3 of my sons are left handed. She has a bow and my 16 year old is big enough for a full size bow, what is getting me is I can not get a starter left handed bow for my 10 and 6 year old for under $200. I hate to put the amount of money that they are asking for a bow they can only use a few years and not hunt with.

Any help would be great. Thanks


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Guest stsi36

Re: Lefty bows?

i am 15 and have had a bow for a few years and have not hade time to get a new one and i shoot a micro midas 2 it ranges from 30-45 pounds and comes with a nice package(sights, arrows, ect.)

hope you find one

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