Buck and Doe urine attractant "your take"

Guest longknife

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Guest longknife

Do you fellow hunter's think the urine helps you or makes you visible to them.I have found the lures being used to much and the deer know what that smell spell's to them.Let's hear from ya'll. smile.gif

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

Never really works for me.

I kinda have a theory that if its not made by nature then its not gonna work so well. It may peek curiousity on some deer but I had yet to see anything in a bottle that draws bucks in like they are on some sort of love drug...

I also feel that deer can tell when there is an oder that does not belong in there woods or fields.

Like putting apple scent in an area that has no apple trees for miles. Just not in the right environment for that particular scent.

JMO but keeping as little scent out of an area seems to work best for me...

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

I'll be buying a new scent. I use to buy that Excite from the Wildlife Research. It's very thick and looks like honey coming out of the bottle. But it didn't get me any edges over the deer.

I will be buying from a friend of mine that sells a product from the southern states. If you would like his webstie give me a pm sometime. I haven't used his scent before, but my friends have and they have brought many deer in. He also sells Elimination scent as well.

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

I think you can really do more harm than good scattering urine around your stand sight if you dont know what your doing.I prefer to try eliminating as much scent as possbile rather than trying to create new ones.

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

I've always been a little leary about using some cover scents, but as far as doe and buck urine go, I've never seen a deer actually shy away from it.

It never hurts to drag a scent trail into your stand. They will bring in deer 50% of the time.

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

To be honest, I quit using those things several years ago. In the past, sometimes it seemed to help and sometimes it didn't. Now I just try to be as scent free as possible along with being as sneaky as possible when I enter the woods to lower the risk of alerting deer to my presence. I'm seeing more deer since I focused on the importance of those 2 things so I'll stick with what seems to be working best for me.

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

I have better luck with "buck" urine & tarsal gland. The buck doe ratio is so out of whack in this part of S.C. that putting out doe n heat is a waste of time. Its so many doe around why should a buck risk his neck when he has a plethora of girls to chose from?

I believe if a hunter is hunting in a place where the buck doe ratio is 2:1 or even 3:1 doe n heat attractants really work.

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

Right now in my freezer in the garage theres a half gallon milk jug with the bladder contents from 2 does and a 9 pointer. I started being very careful in the field dressing of my deer(and other peoples deer which i volunteer to do) and harvest the bladder trying to keep the contents intact.

I think if you are very careful and use them sparingly you can benifit from the use of deer urine.

My favorite tactic is to use a pocket from a T-Shirt and hang it on a tree soak the pocket with urine and then add a pocket handwarmer inside. Its my belief that the heat makes the scent more effective. Last season I had a small buck stop trailing a hot doe and check out this setup...that made me a lifelong believer right there!

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

I've had as much success with a homemade vanilla mixture as I have had with any commercial product. Besides, I can buy a gallon of vanilla for what they are asking for an ounce of piddle these days!

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"



My favorite tactic is to use a pocket from a T-Shirt and hang it on a tree soak the pocket with urine and then add a pocket handwarmer inside.

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I like it. Sounds like a winner to me grin.gif

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Doesn't that make for a wet, smelly ride home Gary?

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Re: Buck and Doe urine attractant \"your take\"

I see more nervous deer when I use scents. I see more calm deer without the use of scents. I have never had a big buck come in with any scents. Only small ones. I like to sit in my tree stand an let nature take it's course. I do not believe you can force a mature buck to come into your shooting lane.

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