The pre-rut is starting to happen in Va.


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The pre-rut is starting to happen in Va. My buddy and I were hunting Sat. Oct. 23 in 2 separate barns about 150 yards apart. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but the deer were really feeding in the barn lots. I was watching 4 does feed around the barn I was in, when all of a sudden the does started snorting and running. I later found out that my buddy saw 2 nice bucks coming out and they scent checked all the does. That is why the does were snorting and running around. I never did get a deer, cause its hard to get an arrow through the fences.

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Re: The pre-rut is starting to happen in Va.

Yep, the bucks are crusing with their noses to the ground. Some chasing is happening in my area. In another week or so it will get hot and heavy. I started using doe in estrus this past weekend. I had 6 skinheads just sniffing the stuff at 25 yards. They are my buck bait this time of year.

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Re: The pre-rut is starting to happen in Va.

Holy Cow! Look are all the Virginia boys out here. Where do you all live? I'm in Dumfries near the Quantico Marine Corps base.

By the way, I plan on hunting with my muzzleloader on Saturday so I can't wait to see this will be the first time for me hunting the rut.

bowhuntinbucks - WHERE did you get that picture?

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