Shot placement ?


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I have noticed lately on a few shows that archery shot placement isn't where I've always heard to put it. I've always been told the best shot is a quartering away shot behind the shoulder is the best place for an arrow, but I've seen a couple shows lately where this shot was presented but instead the hunter opted for a spine shot just ahead of the hind quarters. The deer dropped flat on the spot, but this didn't seem to me like a very humane shot.

Why would someone take this shot?

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Re: Shot placement ?


but I've seen a couple shows lately where this shot was presented but instead the hunter opted for a spine shot just ahead of the hind quarters.

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Was this shot taken from a tree-stand???

I'm sure the hunter didn't opt for the spine shot on purpose. He probably forgot to bend slightly at the waste, thus placing the shot a bit high of his aim point which would put it forward and in the spine. I've made the same shot on 2 bucks and they went down like a ton of bricks, like right now. I didn't purposely go for a spine shot though, and never would. blush.gif

If you were to purposely go for that shot, and your form was off, you would shoot right over the deers back. crazy.gif

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Re: Shot placement ?

I've not noticed intentional spine shots except for the idiot who sells the tree lounge in their promotional video.

I have noticed more than a few quartering to shots lately. The people in the videos are a lot more practiced than I, and I'm sure they're confident in their abilities, but the quartering to shot presents a whole lot of shoulder bone, and paunch potential IMHO.

And for the record Tom, she was facing me, not quartering to, and I was pretty confident I'd kill her.

-----> grin.gif<-----

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Re: Shot placement ?

sometimes it is the hunters fault that happened and it was the nerves that got him or her or in some cases it is the animal dropping down to take off and the animal is spin struck and it definatley does the job but the ethical thing to do is put another arrow into the heart to make the kill quick and humane. sometimes i think you don't see it and they do make the 2nd shot. if not then shame on htem for not taking care of the animal the right way. whether if it is a rifle or bow shot if i make a shot like that the 2nd round is in the heart and quick

rob k

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Re: Shot placement ?

I spined my first deer with a bow. It was a doe that was probably less than 10 yards away and I was 15 feet high. I don't know if she jumped the string and or just a bad shot by me--anyway, I followed that shot up with another one in the chest within seconds.

Spine shots are going to happen. I don't know if i have ever heard a "professional" hunter recommend that shot but I sure wouldn't.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Shot placement ?

spine shots are always a mistake...but work out. The shot was prob intended to hit just in front of the onside ham and go through liver lungs and maybe heart...

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Re: Shot placement ?

you never can really tell where the guy was aiming unless he says that he hit high..

we have had several guys that have come in here telling archers to take shoulder shots and i have seen guys that shoot for the artery below the spine on purpose.. these are poor shots to take and should be avoided..

stick with what you know to be true.. broadside or quartering away are the most popular .. there are other angles , but depending on your level of accuracy they shouldnt be tried unless your very sure of yourself and your equipment..

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Guest Finn

Re: Shot placement ?


stick to what you have been told and stay with the quartering away shot.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree and always aim for the chest, being broadside or quartering away.

Am thinking the spine shots were a mistake.

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Re: Shot placement ?

I have spined 3 deer in the last 10 years, not intentional. I just started noticing on my hunting dvd's, on broad side shots "the pros" are aiming lower or I should say impact is lower, just above the armpit instead of an impact centered just behind the shoulder. All of the deer shot just above the armpit has gone down within sight. I don't know if they were compensating for string jump or if they were aiming for that area. Alot of them say that its a heart shot for sure. I would think thats alittle low if you are in a tree stand?

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Guest coop2564

Re: Shot placement ?

I always try to get that double lung broadside. Quarting shot works but if you get only one lung better give them 4 to 6 hours and be ready for a 200 yds trail. Take up the trail sooner be ready for a live animal.

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Re: Shot placement ?

Here's a pic showing the deer's anatomy and bear for you bear hunters. grin.gif

Those lungs are your biggest and most effective target.I agree with the rest the spine shot is most likely a lung shot gone wrong.


Here's another pic showing the circulatory system on a deer.The lung/heart area is still your best bet.


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