Owner of the land said to me....


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He would think about it. I told him that I would take out some does and a buck if he didn't care. He said he never let's people hunt on his land, but people just will come aboard and hunt. He said "he was very happy to see a young man with so much respect to ask instead of just go on the land". He told me if I take out some does that he can get the meat.


He said there was two huge bucks on his land. I just smiled and shook hands and went home. Left him my number and told him I can mow his yard for him and put up hay next summer.

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Re: Owner of the land said to me....


You did it right, Casey. Kudos to you for being a stand up guy and not taking the low road like the others are doing.

By showing him the respect that a landowner deserves I have no doubt you'll be chasing those 2 brutes in the fall.

Good luck.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ditto with Josh, Casey. You did it the right way, and I'd bet you're hunting there soon too.

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