
Guest cyberhoyt

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Guest cyberhoyt

I have a Benelli Nova 12 guage, that I would like to put a Tru Glo Red dot sight on. Could you tell me what would be a good mount. I reallize that the gun is not tapped for a scope, but what is your opinion on a B-square saddle mount. This gun is my Turkey gun Exclusively. And if anyone has an opinion on the Tru GLo red dot sight, I would love to hear them. Thanks in advance to everyone!

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Re: AJ!!!!!!!!!!

The B-Square Saddle mounts are ok. They will work great for a turkey gun. For a slug gun, they are alright, but I like a standard mount better for better accuracy. If you are off a few inches at 40 yards with a turkey setup, it really does not matter. I had a saddle mount on an 870 slug gun a while back. It served the purpose. It was not the prettiest thing, but it held the scope good enough.

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