stand snacks

Guest stsi36

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Guest chigger1

Re: stand snacks

I pack a lunch and leave it in the truck as for snacks it is useualy snickers bars or sunflower seeds and a canteene with tea in it

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Re: stand snacks

I ussually make up a hodge podge of trail mix and keep a full freezer zip lock bag in the pack. I use peanut M&Ms, regular M&Ms, sun flower seeds, cashews, peanuts, dried fruits and raisins, and anything else that jumps out at me when in the suppermarket.

Its my belief that eating high carb and sugar foods while out in the cold weather helps you stay warmer and more alert.

I only drink water while out there too. Kinda a multi purpose liquid just in case you get a cut that needs to be flushed out or whatever...

Although if I plan to hunt a box stand in the frosty AM, I will bring some hot coffee too.

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Re: stand snacks


"Skoal Pouches, small cookies, and water."

Hey do the dear respond when you are dippin in the woods? Does it affect ya? Skoal mint pouches are GREEEAAAAT!

[/ QUOTE ]

Most of the time I don't spit much and I haven't noticed that they pay any attention, I've had does walk right under my tree where I had been spitting and thier nose never hit the ground. Also I use wintergreen, not as strong smelling as the others flavors.

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