So who's winning the war?


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My wife has had the great misfortune of growing up with two very strong democrats. They beilive absolutely nothing the W. says and everything Kerry says. While watching the news my wife came up with this "why are we over there anyways, we're loosing the war why don't we just leave there?" .

Does anyone have the stats on casulaties of war on both sides. I know we've lost over 1K troops. Are there any numbers out there on Iraqi and non-Iraqi combatent casualties?

Who do you think is winning?

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Re: So who\'s winning the war?

OK, I'll go first. First off, not sure on the total stats for the enemy but I can tell you this....just from the actual Iraqi war alone....ALOT OF THEM DUDES DIED!!! But, that's a good thing. We (as in US) slaughtered them people over there.

As far as who's winning. Well, I hope we are. No really, I think we are. Are we more safe. I really can't answer that. I think we are more safer than before but I think they have something in the works and it is big,JMHO. The question is will be catch on before it is too late. I hope if Bush get's re-elected, he puts more of us back in Afghan and kick some more butt because remember, the bad guy is still out there yet. If he is waiting on the insurgentcy to calm down in Iraq, he will be waiting for a long time because as long as we are over there, it will nowt stop.

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Re: So who\'s winning the war?

Since we are not fighting on our soil, Id say we got the upper hand....UNLESS Kerry gets in, then....all bets are off!! Why are we over there??? Are you serious?? The Muslims consider all Christians infidels, thus they are required to hunt down and kill them. Now , if your NOT a Christian, you probably dont have as much to worry about, except your freedom, which is not free. God bless the troops that gave all to enable us(U.S.), to enjoy it!!

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Re: So who\'s winning the war?


Since we are not fighting on our soil, Id say we got the upper hand....UNLESS Kerry gets in, then....all bets are off!! Why are we over there??? Are you serious?? The Muslims consider all Christians infidels, thus they are required to hunt down and kill them. Now , if your NOT a Christian, you probably dont have as much to worry about, except your freedom, which is not free. God bless the troops that gave all to enable us(U.S.), to enjoy it!!

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Hey that's my wife talking, not me. I know why we're there and support the troops. And yes, I think we are winning.

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Re: So who\'s winning the war?


Since we are not fighting on our soil, Id say we got the upper hand....UNLESS Kerry gets in, then....all bets are off!! Why are we over there??? Are you serious?? The Muslims consider all Christians infidels, thus they are required to hunt down and kill them. Now , if your NOT a Christian, you probably dont have as much to worry about, except your freedom, which is not free. God bless the troops that gave all to enable us(U.S.), to enjoy it!!

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Great reply there.

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Re: So who\'s winning the war?


While watching the news my wife came up with this "why are we over there anyways, we're loosing the war why don't we just leave there?" .

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John, no offense to your wife but why do all these people seem to think pulling out of Iraq at this point is the answer?We pull out now weve done nothing more than leave that country open to to whoevers got the most guns to lead it.It wont be any better off then it was under saddam.And then all those lives, all that money, and time spent over there wont mean anything.To not see this out at this point would be a terrible mistake, the terrorist element will have effectively won and become bolder than they have been so far.The rest of the world has also been watching this very closely, leaving that country in the state its in now would not do much for the world view of us and it would make the French look good grin.gifBacking out now isnt even, or at least shouldnt be an option.Im not saying Bush has done everything right but IMO it would be an enormous mistake to not finish what we started over there.

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