Post One Thing


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Re: Post One Thing

OK I will try... you are here alot...

Shaun 300...we have to get together sometime

TSBH.....lets talk more hockey.

Rangerclay...hope you and your family comes up soon.

everyone else....If you are ever comming to the 1000 Island let me know...we will get together.

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Re: Post One Thing

Tominator...I'll make it up there to bowhunt with you someday but I'll give ya a little notice. We're still on for spring 2006 right?

Ohiobucks...give Chris some pointers on handlin buckfever (I mean deerfever).

Norm Sauceman...I feel your pain buddy.

Dartonman...Congrats on your 5th child on the way and hope you get more time to spend with us.

To everyone else...I hope you make some memories to last a lifetime while hunting this coming fall and next spring.

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Re: Post One Thing

WomanWhoHunts --- I miss ya on here woman. I hope all is well.

Buckee --- You are an awesome person with great words of wisdom

Wyohunter - - -*cluck cluck...yelp yelp yelp*

Grunter --- I never see you post on here but I get to see ya oncei n awhile in the chat and it is always a blast to talk with you.

Tominator --- Hearing your cancer free news still brings a smile to my face.

Everyone else --- I hope to meet at least one of you in my lifetime! lol

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Re: Post One Thing


Dartonman...Congrats on your 5th child on the way and hope you get more time to spend with us.

[/ QUOTE ] gots some 'splainin to do....... grin.gif

How is it that I missed this little tidbit of info till now ?!?!? blush.gif

To Everyone Here...I have never met a one of you, but I consider all of you my friends.... wink.gif

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Re: Post One Thing

Buckee...........thanks for being my friend

Christsavedme.....(Josh)......I appreciate the words of wisdom in the "journal", it helps me throughout my day

DogDoc..........would love to meet you someday and see your foodplots firsthand

To everyone else on the forums, thanks for letting me be a part of this wonderful realtree family

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