Tennis ball anyone?


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This may not work very well for you compound shooters but I found a cheap and easy way to practice shooting at unknown distances and have a blast do it.

Its kinda like stump shooting just in your yard with a tennis ball. Of coarse its advised you use a judo or blunt point.

All we do is throw the ball in locations that are easy or hard, close or far, to hit and see who gets the closests or hits it. Closes guy get to throw the ball next and shoots 1st or 2nd; his choice.

Kinda like yard golf in a way...

This can really hone your shooting accuracy since your target is about 6x smaller then a deer vitals...

Just thought Id share.... smirk.gifwink.gif

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Re: Tennis ball anyone?

Pretty cool idea! I just bought a can of tennis balls for my 15 year old daughter. She was planning on playing tennis for the school, but changed her mind. It looks like i'm going to have to put them to use.

Use caution with blunt tips on "bouncy" material. I was stump shooting/roving one time with a blunt and noticed a 1 liter pop bottle in the woods....I shot it with the blunt and the arrow skipped high into the air...never to be found again. It went so far and high, I never heard it hit.

Good bye arrow! mad.gif

Thanks for sharing


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Re: Tennis ball anyone?

We used to use the 8 oz styrofoam cups. We would put a weight in the bottom and throw them out. If we had a couple people we would just throw them on the ground, they were light enough the wind would move them around sometimes forcing you to wait on the shot, just like hunting.

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Re: Tennis ball anyone?

VTB a friend of mine (traditional hunter) has a raised deck on the back of his house. He throws out gold balls and shoots at them from an elevated position for practice. Why golf balls? Because they don't bounce and roll too far off but still easy to see from an elevated position in the grass. wink.gif

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Re: Tennis ball anyone?

Very cool.

My buddy and I used to do this in his woods. One guy would climb a tree, the other guy would set the decoy. Guy up in the tree shoots as the guy on the ground moves the 3D at different angles and unknown distances. It was fun.

Gonna have to give Steve a call and see if he wants to do that again sometime.

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