Taking care of coons (poison)


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I posted this recipe last year and a few people have asked about it again. Sorry guys I don't really visit the varmint forum that much. Just thought I would post so everyone can see it again.

This stuff really works, it kill coons within 10 or 20 steps. I've even had some die with their face in the bowl. Last year, between this poison recipe, shooting them in our feed bunkers, and trapping them, we got about 50 coons. This year I've poisoned about 15 and we've shot about 10.

The poison is real simple. Get a small dish - like a dog bowl or something, and you mix in one or two handfulls(don't actually use your hands though, it's some nasty stuff) of fly bait/poison(comes in pellet form) and 2 cans of mountain dew. The fly bait I use is Golden Malrin. Golden Malrin. I guess you can get it there, I just get it at farm and fleet or any other farm supply store.

I said 1 or 2 handfulls but you might have to guess and check. If there is too much poison, they won't drink it and if there isn't enough, they might not die. Make sure you stir it up real well.

Good Luck!

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Re: Taking care of coons (poison)

My mother-in-law started using a similar poison this year. Fly poison mixed with Dr. Pepper. She's killed a boat load of coons, opossums, and woodchucks with the stuff. She was telling me about it. Nasty stuff. She got tired of all the damage down at her barns.

Just keep any animals that you care about away from the stuff. It will kill an animal within a few feet of the bowl.

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Re: Taking care of coons (poison)

I wonder if woodchucks like DR. pepper more than Mt. Dew? We have a serious woodchuck problem, I should try that with them. I always put the mountain dew where we have coon problems, never thought about the woodchucks...

Thanks Derek

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