ESPN Great Outdoor Games

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Yeah, this should be in the sports room, but more people can see it here.....

The Outdoor games start today people, dont forget to watch them. cool.gif

There is a chocolate lab from the town nextdoor to me, that is in the dog jumping contest. I dont know if she made it through the trials, but hopefully she did. cool.gif

Anyways, the Outdoor games start today on espn.

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Re: ESPN Great Outdoor Games


Well, looks like its in the sports room anyways.....sigh..................

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Well Duh..... grin.gif You open your topic admitting where it should be, but don't post it there.....LOL, that's why we've got these 'bout we just have one or two rooms only, and then people can surf through 100+ daily pages just to find a topic they are interested least this way, things are organized and easiest to find.....hope you understand... wink.gif

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