Waxing String


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Re: Waxing String

I run the stick of wax up and down the string to get a large amount on, then pinch the string tightly between my thumb and index finger and run them up and down the string. The friction heats up the wax and melts it into the fibers of the string. It can get kinda hot on the fingers sometimes though. smile.gif

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Re: Waxing String


I run the stick of wax up and down the string to get a large amount on, then pinch the string tightly between my thumb and index finger and run them up and down the string. The friction heats up the wax and melts it into the fibers of the string. It can get kinda hot on the fingers sometimes though. smile.gif

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this is what i do

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Re: Waxing String


I run the stick of wax up and down the string to get a large amount on, then pinch the string tightly between my thumb and index finger and run them up and down the string. The friction heats up the wax and melts it into the fibers of the string. It can get kinda hot on the fingers sometimes though. smile.gif

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Re: Waxing String

I wax my string up real good, then use a hair dryer to melt the wax into the string, taking extra care as to not stay in one spot to long and heat my string to much. I did it to my Switchback when I first got it on Memorial weekend, and have yet to have to do it again, and have shot probably close to 500 shots through it. I also used this method on my High Country.

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Re: Waxing String



I run the stick of wax up and down the string to get a large amount on, then pinch the string tightly between my thumb and index finger and run them up and down the string. The friction heats up the wax and melts it into the fibers of the string. It can get kinda hot on the fingers sometimes though. smile.gif

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Roger That

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Re: Waxing String

Another thing that works is an old dress sock. Cut a piece of it off and use it between your fingers.

As for how often: I don't do it after every use, but if I go to a tournament and its pretty hot and windy, I'll wax it. But normally, once a month during moderate use.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Waxing String

I wax my string ever 3 or 4 times I shoot. I just use the tube it comes in then rub it in with my fingers. Only thing is if you do it this much you get build up on cable guards and other areas...so I take a piece of serving thread (or dental floss) wrap it one time around the string and pull it up and down to remove the excess

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Re: Waxing String


I run the stick of wax up and down the string to get a large amount on, then pinch the string tightly between my thumb and index finger and run them up and down the string. The friction heats up the wax and melts it into the fibers of the string. It can get kinda hot on the fingers sometimes though. smile.gif

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Same here......

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Re: Waxing String


I run the stick of wax up and down the string to get a large amount on, then pinch the string tightly between my thumb and index finger and run them up and down the string. The friction heats up the wax and melts it into the fibers of the string. It can get kinda hot on the fingers sometimes though. smile.gif

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ditto - but I picked up a pair of cheap leather working gloves at dollar store I dedicated just for this.. I cut the fingers off the gloves, put it on my fingers, still going,, I make sure to do this every six months are so..

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