Rut signs

brad dryden

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

Re: Rut signs

i've seen no scrapes yet. But i have seen smaller bucks moving during the day more. I seen a nice 6 pt 12-14 inch wide this morning moving in middle of a field towards the road. The smaller ones are getting a little blush.gif. Getting closer!

Certain area are seeing nothing yet, different area i am.

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Re: Rut signs

I've seen bucks with does and cahsing off smaller bucks. The does are not standing for the bucks yet but the bucks are ready to go. Iv'e seen a ton of scrapes, rubs and heard lots of grunting. It's buiding up and with the full moon tomorrow and a low temp of 30 degrees tomorrow night, it should explode. I Hope!!!!!

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Re: Rut signs

Yes I've found a few & I made a mock scrape last Saturday went to check on it the following Wednesday & an oak tree about 10 yards down from it was all torn up & rubbed pretty hard. Seems like I ticked off one of the big boys in the area.

The best sign for the rut though is watching does in fields at a food source. If they come into fields at dusk & you see immature bucks harrassing them & chasing them then you know things are about to explode.

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