a few ?'s about RT Photo Hosting


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is there a way to resize your pics once thier uploaded? i copied my pics from hunt101 to my computer and then posted them to RT and they're really small

also, if i have to reupload the small pics, is there a way to delete the other photos?

is there a way to mark all read in photo hosting section?

and finally, can you change the forum where you want your pic to be shown after you've already uploaded it?

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Re: a few ?\'s about RT Photo Hosting


is there a way to resize your pics once thier uploaded? i copied my pics from hunt101 to my computer and then posted them to RT and they're really small

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Your looking at the thumbnail. You have to click on the thumbnail, and it will load the large pic.


is there a way to mark all read in photo hosting section?

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I'm not sure you can


can you change the forum where you want your pic to be shown after you've already uploaded it?

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Yes, once you click on the thumbnail and it loads the large pic, look at the bottom of the screen.

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Re: a few ?\'s about RT Photo Hosting


I can't even upload!!! confused.gifconfused.gifconfused.giffrown.giffrown.giffrown.gif

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Same here. I hate to admit it and I never thought I'd say this but...I went back to Hunt101 to host my pics. After I uploaded a few pics to RT, I deleted all my pics on Hunt101. All of the sudden I couldn't upload to RT anymore...back to Hunt101 I went. confused.gif

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