New Bow


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Well...I did it...actually my wonderful wife did.

Got a new bow! WOO HOO!!!! smile.gif

Storm Archery F18

60 - 70 pound draw (currently set to 60#)

28" draw

Whisker Bisket arrow rest

Trophy Ridge vertical 3 pin sight

Peep sight

String loop

Braided leather sling

carbon arrows

no stabilizer yet

Here's a picture...not the greatest shot but there will be more to come later.


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Re: New Bow

See what threatening to to send an old Golden Eagle will do fellas. wink.gif

Here's the scenario: Harv is in the market for a new bow, Tominator sees this, PM's Harv that he has an old Golden Eagle laying around and he's welcome to it if he wants (this is about a month ago). Harv is floored by the offer and accepts. Tominator, busy with 4 kids, 2 trips to his dad's to paint, no box to send old bow off, pro shop is closed then once it's open, they don't have a spare box either, and a host of OTHER general laziness, drags his feet about sending bow off. All the while PM's are flying back and forth about how Tominator can get this bow in the mail.

Meanwhile Harv is pouting and brooding at home--wife sees pouting and brooding, decides her man has paid his dues and buys him a new bow!

TA DAAAAAA! New bow for Mr. Harvey. cool.gif

Yes, now you too can buy the Tominator way to a new bow, only $69.95, call now 1-800-poppy-needs-a-new-toy . Hurry, the next 50 callers Tominator's inspirational sayings absolutely free. You won't want to go hunting, get married or raise kids without this booklet. Sayings include: "If you ain't hurtin', you ain't tryin." and "It's not bleeding that bad, stop your crying!"

Operators are standing by-- CALL NOW!

(way too much caffeine this morning) tongue.gif

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Re: New Bow

Sweet deal......Gotta love the fact that your wife likes to see you happy. Mine urged me to buy my parker. I was looking at some PSE's on Clearence and she got mad at me and told me to get what I wanted. I have too many friends that fight with their spouses over going hunting or fishing. My mom always had the saying "Couples that play together stay together". I would be going crazy if I did not have a wife that enjoyed huntng like I do. She even loves to video for me.

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