Change the name?


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Re: Change the name?


I was just seems so many like the SwitchBACK that it is named WRONG!!!! It should be named the SwitchTO!!!!!!

I have yet to hear of anyone that SwitchedBACK to their old bow!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ] bro just sold his Switchback on Ebay, and should be getting another Outback today or tomorrow. We both prefer the OB, over the SB.

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Re: Change the name?


Really? Why didn't Scott like the SB?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think he just never got comfortable with it. He shot awesome with it, but I think the bottom line is the Outback just fit him better. I shot his SB a bit, and I had a chance at a good deal on one, but I honestly couldn't see where I would gain anything but a few fps going from the OB, to the SB.

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