Ruger .204?


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Ok, Ill quit trying to drive you all nuts but here's the delema. I went back to the pawn shop where I had spotted the .270 Handi Rifle I wanted. I offered her $175 because walmart Sales them new for $195, no go. She wasnt budging at her price of $225. Much to her dismay I walked out. I drove down to the local Gun smith/ Pawn shop. He had a variety of Handi Rifles. He only had a few in a Heavy barrel which is what I want. He had one .223 in the regular barrel with iron sites...

My plan was to buy the .270 and in turn order the .50cal barrel and a .223.......Then he hands me a heavy barrel .204 ruger! Wow... Tough looking ammo. He also says that ammo is pretty easy to find and that they are quickly becoming a sought after varmit round.

He said its a new round that came out roughly 2-years ago and they are BAD. He carried Hornady brand ammo and a box was $15. I already know what a .223 will do an the ammo is cheaper. How good a round is a .204 and is there any good reason to choose that round?

Also one more question. Can you upsize the barrels? Say I buy a .204 now can I add a .270 or do I need to buy a .270 and downsize to a .204 or .223?

thanks a million....

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Re: Ruger .204?

You can downsize any reciever, however there are some that are limited in what you can upsize it to. You'll need to call NEF with the serial# of the reciever and they can tell you what barrel you can put on it.

If the 204 is pretty new I think you can put any barrel on it.

Click on this for contact info. NEF

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