Advice for beginner


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Quite honestly, you should try and find a proshop in your area, explain to them that you want to get into bowhunting and ask them if they have any bows set up that you can shoot. Shoot as many brands as you can. You will know which bow fits you best when you shoot it.

Good luck, it's an awesome sport.

Welcome to the forum BTW. wink.gif

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Re: Advice for beginner


Quite honestly, you should try and find a proshop in your area, explain to them that you want to get into bowhunting and ask them if they have any bows set up that you can shoot. Shoot as many brands as you can. You will know which bow fits you best when you shoot it.

Good luck, it's an awesome sport.

Welcome to the forum BTW. wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't take advice from Tominator! J/K grin.gif

That's pretty good advice. Shoot as many different bows as you can. Also, say they have 2 of the same model, shoot both of them. I found that fell not only differs between brands but also same models. (Did that make any sense?)

Good Luck and welcome to the wonderful addiction of Bowhunting.

Oh and welcome to the addiction of Realtree Fourms.

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Re: Advice for beginner

The 2 that I looked for were Brace Height and Bow length.

The higher the Brace Height the more forgiving of shooting form errors the bow is. Mine is 7 1/2 inches.

I wanted a shorter bow for ease of carrying. If I recall mine is 34 inches. It's nice, light, and compact. It makes walking through the woods a breeze.

Also for sights, I would recommend Fiber Optic. The more fiber optic cable in the sight the more light gathering it does. i.e. It stays brighter in that last minute "Buck Light".

opps forgot, Adjustable Draw length. I think there are a few bows that still offer a set draw length. I don't know if you are going to be doing anymore growing, but an adjustable length will grow with you.



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