Missouri Deer

Guest gobblergetter15

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Guest gobblergetter15

Hey guys I am so siked for this years season!!!We have a rule here that says you cant shoot bucks without four points on one side and it is really starting to pay off!!! The other day I saw four very very nice bucks by the ranch I hunt on , and a friend of mine saw 6 bucks on another farm I hunt on.One was so big he couldnt even count all the points, there was an eight, two sixes and two fours. I am so excited. Is anybody else from Missouri seeing the same thing?

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Guest tyshe17

Re: Missouri Deer

I agree with you Wtn...and I know about missouri deer first hand, they almost got me to go to Truman Univ. up there, but their baseball team isnt very good.

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Re: Missouri Deer

Yeah thats how it is here in MN also. Does are part of the problem. We have a bad buck to doe ratio thats why the first tag we buy can be a buck or doe, but if you take a doe with that tag then you can't take any more bucks. I'd like to see an antler restriction done here.

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Guest MissouriHunter

Re: Missouri Deer

I hunt in around Kirksville, MO and I have always seen big bucks around so I haven't noticed much difference but I live about an hour east of KC and its hard to see a nice buck around that area but I have been noticing so nicer bucks walking around when I go driving in the evenings(before dark, i promise I am not spotlighting).

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Re: Missouri Deer

I'm from GA.,but I went to Missouri for the rifle hunt last year in Nov.I saw some awesome bucks!One was in the mid 140's,and the other was atleast in the 160's,but there are so many people hunting it's rediculous.Around here we talk points,not score,so it was an awesome experience for me.I'll be back in Nov. for sure!!!

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