Calculating FPS without a chrono????


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A guy over on archerytalk asked about this and I swear I had read formula somewhere where you could do this by shooting from a known, specific distance and shooting an arrow, then moving back to another specific distance and shooting another then measuring then difference of POI to calculate FPS.

Anyone know what I am talking about or knows this formula?


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Re: Calulating FPS without a chrono????

I think I know what VTbowman is talking about but I don't remember how it went.

I think i saw it in an old Peterson's Bohunting Magazine. They had you shoot from 20 yds then 40 yds then whatever your drop was you took that times something. There you had it a quick and dirty arrow speed.

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Re: Calulating FPS without a chrono????

Yea by all means it did not give you anything near accurate FPS but it got ya real close and good enough.

Obviously the chrono is your best bet but it did seem to work well when I tested it after I knew actual FPS. But this was a long time ago and I dont remember the formula or distances. I just remember doing it and it working fairly well....

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Re: Calulating FPS without a chrono????


Thats not it.

You dont work off know IBO specs or anything. Its all POI and distance related stuff.

I have seen guys do that too and get pretty close. But it does not work well for traditional stuff that is not number spec crazy like compound stuff.. LOL

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