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Re: bait

2 gallon limit here in Michigan and some counties is illegal. Some abuse it, 2 gallons becomes 200 gallons!! Hard to enforce it but I wish our DNR did!!

What I do is hunt the run ways that go to the neighbors feed piles, let them do all the baiting, I will sit back and watch the deer!! You'll never beat them legally so why try, save money and still see deer !! smile.gif

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Re: bait


I think baiting deer is cheating, so I do not do it and never will!!!!! Be better off shooting a deer in an elclosure!!!!

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Well, that may be putting it a bit strongly ..... lol. But, rightly or wrongly, I do feel a bit of this feeling myself. For me in my particular hunting location and conditions, it really feels like it should be unnecessary. That's probably the best way to put it ...... it seems to be unnecessary. I also think there is an element of selfishness that might be involved in the practice too. The reason I say that is that it would appear that the motive behind baiting is to entice deer from other areas to a particular spot and generally keep them in that vicinity. That means luring deer from other people's hunting area and into your own. Gee, that's not a very neighborly thing to do, is it? wink.gif

In general, it's not an issue that I get very heated up about. It is currently illegal here in NY and I suppose that if the issue were to come up, I would probably mildly campaign against it. The plain fact is that it's not likely to become an issue here. The DEC has come out completely against feeding deer (which is what baiting really is) and with the advent of CWD here I wouldn't expect that attitude to change soon.


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Re: bait


I think baiting deer is cheating, so I do not do it and never will!!!!! Be better off shooting a deer in an elclosure!!!!

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Some places it is legal and as long as it is legal you shouldn't sound so upset over it. I personally am against it, but am also against other types of hunting that is legal in certain states or Canada. If its legal, just grin and bear it. grin.gif

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Re: bait


Not legal here either, but everyone throws out a few apples before opening night. Coons probably get them before the deer.

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Dont include me in that group....I've never thrown out "A Few Apples".

Though I have hunted an area where there was a few apple trees(once...and I didnt see crapoli).

Alot of people seem to think its OK to just slide a few tricks in here or there underneath the law mad.gif

Using the excuse "That everyone does it" still makes you the criminal. Oh...Its OK everyone uses a stick of dynamite to fish with right??? smirk.gif

Wait....I failed to mention that baiting is "ILLEGAL IN NEW YORK"

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Re: bait

Kinda surprised that nobody from Texas has responded to the question! Hunting in this state, with the largest deer population in the country, you wouldn't think that it would be necessary to set out "bait" for deer. The key factor in Texas, is that virtually ALL the prime deer habitat is PRIVATELY OWNED! That means, we must PAY or LEASE to hunt. Hunting on Public/government land is available, but the hunting for the most part, is highly competitive and extremely crowded in the more popular areas.

Therefore, LEASING hunting land is the method of choice in Texas. And, we hunters look for any and all methods to ATTRACT deer into our lease. Bucks in this country, can and do travel upwards to 20 miles in an area, and that could mean as many as 10 ranches or more. So we must find methods to get the most for our dollar - average lease cost between $500 - $3000 per gun depending upon the area of the state!

The products of choice are protein supplements such as Record Rack or AntlerMax, grain corn, and food plots. The most popular product is corn from various types of feeders.

Deer hunting is this state is VERY BIG BUSINESS and VERY COMPETITVE - so we hunters are always looking for the advantage to get the most for our money!

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Re: bait


I think baiting deer is cheating, so I do not do it and never will!!!!! Be better off shooting a deer in an elclosure!!!!

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So I guess if you go fishing you go to a ponds/lakes that have no shorelines and you use a bare hook? grin.gif

Not legal in PA and would never put anyone down who uses bait legally in their state. I just don't understand why there are different standards for fishing and hunting? confused.gif

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