S-Coil Stablizer...

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Guest coop2564

Re: S-Coil Stablizer...

I won one at a shoot. Had the 54$ sims but I tried it. I couldn't tell any differents between the two so I would say its great for the money. Still using my sims feel I got to get my money's worth I guess!

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Re: S-Coil Stablizer...

Everyone I have talked to says they are great.Bass Pro in Savannah has been sold out for 2 months now.I'd say they are a very hot item.I'll get one as soon as I see it.The archery guy at bps said it was as quiet as his module system on his switchback.I know they (Switchbacks)are quiet to start with,but hey $15,that's a great deal in my book.If no one wants theirs I'll give 'em $15 for it. laugh.gif

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Re: S-Coil Stablizer...

KS, Its not so much about the product as it is about what it does for your setup!

Everyones set-up is slightly different(or what we reffer to as "What feels right".

BTW...A dead Deer Is a DEAD DEER!!!

I tried the S-Coil before the HI-TEK and when the chips fell...

The Hi-Tek made a more silent THUD!

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Re: S-Coil Stablizer...


The Hi-Tek made a more silent THUD!

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL Never thought of it as a more silent thud. Also the point to me of buying from another company besides the high ones is that they can't give me one good reason they are selling it at that price. You can't tell me Bass Pro has that much less overhead than Cabelas. I shop at Bass Pro. I went to a Cabela's for the first time this weekend. Everthing seemed to be overpriced.

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