Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??


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I am shooting the new Whisker Bisquit rest with the softer bristles and I just bought a new dozen BeMan ICS Hunter 400 series arrows last night. Shot six of them and 4 out 6 ended up having a tear or rip after 7 or 8 shots. I have contacted BeMan and they are supposed to call me back to see what they can do, but they blamed the rest. I haven't had much problem with it til now. Davenports ( my archery shop ) suggested using armorall on the fletchings to help reduce drag, and even offered to trade out if the problem continued, but blamed the arrows lol. Wonder whats the problem? By the way, Beman/Easton Customer Service is superb!!!

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Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??

It is a little bit of both.

The W.B. is hard on vanes. Actually, I feel that feathers hold up better to the W.B. The W.B. will wrinkle vanes and eventually tear them. But this is usually after several hundred shots, not 7 or 8. Some vanes hold up better than others. Duravanes are soft and seem to wrinkle pretty bad. There are stiffer vanes out there that seem to hold up well. I have some Bohning Blazer vanes on a few arrows and they are still going strong after 6 months of shooting.

You may need to refletch your arrows with a stiffer vane.

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Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??

Same thing happened to the Norway Duravanes on my Parker. After just a few shots they wore out. I switched to blazer vanes and have not had one vane even start to warp on me. I did have a problem at first with the blazers coming off but once someone on here told me to put a dab of glue on the front and rear of the vanes I have had no problems since then.

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Guest clayton819

Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??

what are they for vanes and what color. they all have there point to where they go bad but shouldnt be that soon. I used to shoot 4 ince aae white out of mine and i could get atleast 50-100 out of the fletching. white is the softes color it takes so much stuff to make them they are just not as strong as the rest

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Guest clayton819

Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??

i shot aae out of mine they worked great. with old and new rest. now i have a dop away. im also looking at blazer vanes

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Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??

It's definatley not the rest !!

I shoot anywhere from 75 to 100 arrows a night, and don't have a problem with vanes tearing off or warping. VTBowman can ateast to that... grin.gif

As far as accuracey goes I'll shoot with the bisquit on against any rest and I'll prove that fact at the upcoming NY SMACKDOWN...

All he needs to do is change to the proper vane and be sure they are glued in the right method,,and be sure that he adds a dab of glue to the leading edge of each vane, and he will be all set...

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Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??

WHOAH,young buck15!!!I can tell you exactly what the problem is it is three things!

First 2 problems are exactly what bow hunter derek said.

1-The wb IS rough on vanes.

2-The beman vanes are not that tough.I shot carbon express 400's with no problem other than the rippling,shot benman 400's last year with your results,went to maximas this year,no problem besides the rippling.Bemans vanes,and glue does not like the wb

3-And most importantly they are 4 degree right helical.Straight fletching (no offset)does better in the wb.Just like crossbow bolts.The vanes being offset is what causes them to ripple.Slowly pull the arrow through it,and watch it,and you will see how it puts pressure on the vanes.Until wb figures out that they need to have the bristles angled to compensate for the offset,this problem will always exsist.So there lies your problem.I love my Wb.I know alot of guys are switching to trophy takers,and Q.A.D's.But if you want to keep your biscuit get some better quality vanes than beman has,and glue them with fast set gel.Straight.Just do one.I mean you have to re-do your fletchings anyways.If you still don't like it then get the TT.Good Luck.Hope I helped.

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Guest Scrape Maker

Re: Whisker Bisquit Problem or Arrow Problem??


I can't believe its the rest, thousands of others are using the Whisker Bisquit and they can't be wanting to throw theirs away!!

Once he fixes the vane issue, I am sure he will love the bisquit and this is coming from a guy who does not own a Whisker Bisquit!

[/ QUOTE ]I had one on my hoyt.I've been there and done that.

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