WANTED: Scope Mount For Rem. 870 12ga.


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Re: WANTED: Scope Mount For Rem. 870 12ga.

If I were you I'd get it drilled and tapped and do it the right way. I used the slide on styles like the B-Squares in the past and regardless of how high of quality they are, they come loose, PERIOD. Maybe if you baby your gun and don't inadvertantly hit it off anything it won't, but all mine did.

Last year though I bought a Simmons 30 mm Red Dot and took my 870 Express Mag to my local gunsmith to get drilled and tapped and had all the goodies mounted. When it was all said and done it cost me $60 for labor and parts, cheaper than the B-Square mounts.

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Re: WANTED: Scope Mount For Rem. 870 12ga.

No problem bud. I just had too many experiences where I sighted my gun in and when I shot it again it was off cause the mount had moved from me using it. Unfortunately it cost me a couple deer, one being a HUGE 8 point. Cause as you know, when a scop m ount moves, you're not gonna hit where you aim lol.

When you have a gunsmith drill and tap the receiver, that scopes not going anywhere wink.gif

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Re: WANTED: Scope Mount For Rem. 870 12ga.

I agree with PA...take it to a gunsmith and have it drilled and tapped. A friend of mine did mine for me (gunsmith) and only charged me $20 for the drilling/tapping and Weaver base already attached when I got the gun back. wink.gif

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Re: WANTED: Scope Mount For Rem. 870 12ga.

Hmmm I have a B-Square and a BSA Red Dot on mine and have not noticed any play...

I dont use mine for deer hunting or slugs thought were a slight movement would show up on paper I am sure.

Mines strictly for shot shells and turkey hunting now..

I got a stelar deal on my B-Square so that made it an easy descision over the gun smith route. ($25 vs. $60+)

I can see where you would want to to drill and tapping for a slug gun...

Good Luck!

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Re: WANTED: Scope Mount For Rem. 870 12ga.

I have wanted one for turkey but now that I'm going to shoot slugs I have to have a scope or some kind of adjustable sight. My gun is shooting in the same spot every time but down and to the left with my Tru-Glo sights that clip on the rib.

I figure if I'm going to spend money for an adjustable sight it may as well be for a scope mount since I already have a red dot for my son's .22.

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