Fred Bear TRX


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I went to Gander Mountain today still looking at bows. I found one that I fell in love with. It is the Fred Bear TRX (Team Realtree Xtreme). All I did today was look at it. Anyone have any experience with this one? I've never seen it or heard of it before but man it looks good in the new HD.


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Re: Fred Bear TRX

Chrud, you've got to pay a little closer attention buddy, LOL(just hackin' on ya grin.gif )..........I posted the news about 3-4 weeks ago when I happened upon one for auction on EBAY......then last week VTbowhunter renewed the post............let us spread the news !!

It is an awesome bow, even though I haven't gotten to shoot it yet.......but HEY, the name Fred Bear speaks for's got to be a good 'un !! grin.gif

[ 02-24-2002: Message edited by: iminrut ]

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  • 2 years later...

Re: Fred Bear TRX

there are a few guys on here that shoot TRX bows, myself included. Do a search and you'll find some threads. Bottom line - bow shoots good, escalade customer service is not that great. It's not a top of the line bow therefore I'm sure it's not as well made as some of the more expensive bows. Personally, I've had some issues with mine, but for what I paid it has not been too bad.

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