Shot a doe last night

Bow Hunter Derek

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Well after seeing very few does so far this year (and screwing up on one), last night I was over whelmed with does. I can't recall ever seeing anything like it.

I set up in my best "buck" stand last night. It is a killer location, litterally. I set out my Renzo buck decoy about 20 yards up wind of me with some buck scent on it. I had jumped a doe going into the stand, so I was actually concerned that I would not even see a deer last night. With about 45 minutes left in the evening, I saw a group of 4 does come out of the woods about 300 yards across the field and down a way from me. They began feeding away from my direction. They were followed with a stream of does, I'm guessing close to 20. About 10 minutes later, I see 3 more does emerge, but this group began to feed in my direction. As they crested the slight ridge in the field, they spied my buck decoy and made a bee line for him. The previous does must have seen this happening, because I had deer coming out from behind every tree. Next thing I knew, I had somewhere around 15 does hovering around my buck decoy. I could not count them all. So, I picked out a large doe and when she circled in front of the decoy at 15 yards, slightly quartering away, I drew and released the arrow. The entire herd of does ran together with her, across the field out to 100 yards or so. Then, nearly all the does came back to the decoy. I had does around me and the decoy for the next 30 minutes or so!

Finally, I got down and checked my arrow. Good blood on the arrow, but almost nothing on the ground. I immediately got concerned. I found one good pool of blood about 150 yards out into the field, so I backed out to go get more lights and my friend who owns the local archery shop. At about 9:00 pm, we headed out. I've tracked a lot of deer in my day, but nothing like this one. Fortunately, his 40+ years of tracking deer paid off. After 1 1/2 hours, we finally found her after almost no blood. She had gone another 150 yards into the woods. I got her a hair back. No guts, just all liver and slightly high liver to top it off. So, she bleed to death inside.

She's a pretty good doe. Probably field dressed in the 110 pound range, though I did not weigh her. Fortunately, my friend has a walk in cooler that we hung her in since it is in the 60's here.

Good hunt with a good ending. This is my first deer that I've ever taken over a decoy, so that was kind of cool smirk.gif

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Re: Shot a doe last night

Thats really good, I've never tried using a decoy, scared i'd mess something up with it and it would screw up my hunt for me. but im glad to hear that you had success withit. Wouldnt mind seeing some pics of the doe. good job and good luck with the rest of the season

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Re: Shot a doe last night


... it sounds like your buck/doe ratio is way out of whack...

[/ QUOTE ]

Yea, it's out of whack alright, but not the direction the story made it sound. Actually, that was a one time ever experience hunting that farm. In the past three or four years, I have actually seen very few does on that farm. What I do see is bucks ... A LOT of bucks. People don't believe me until they actually go out and hunt it with me. It is amazing.

This year I've passed on 14 DIFFERENT bucks at 30 yards or less (most less) and had multiple run ins with 3 of these bucks. I've lost count on the number of bucks I've seen out of bow range. All that in 14 times out hunting. In that time outside of the other night, I've seen 3 does, only 2 of which were in bow range.

Buck to ratio is out of whack alright, like 3 bucks to 1 doe.

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