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Re: Guys!!!


Sorry, the rut is starting up. tongue.giflaugh.gif

Ryan....I sure hope someone doesn't pitch a tent down there!!! blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif LOL jk, all in fun wink.gif

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LOL dude thats way to funny! Becareful man!!! I hope not either! If i hear any stories about that happing i might now wanna come to the next one! LOL

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Re: Guys!!!

Well I'm the type that needs a bumper sticker that says "I'd rather be hunting than shopping!" or "I'd rather smell like earth scent than Este Lauder"...something like that. grin.gif

Right now my face looks horrible because its covered with poison sumac that I picked up while hunting an early antlerless season in WI this past week. But I shot two does and when someone asked me if it was worth it and would I do it again, I said YOU BETCHA! The sumac will go away...soon...I hope. laugh.gif

I love to hunt and the only "guys" I'm worried about during hunting season are the bucks with 4 legs! wink.gif

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Re: Guys!!!

P.S There is nothing more attractive than a girl in camo!!! tongue.gif

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Ya'll need to come to Missouri and teach these guys down here that a woman in camo is sexy. When I go to the store after hunting with my camo on everyone looks at me like your a girl you can't wear camo. And I had a guy to tell me that one day I went into walmart and came out and he stoped me and told me that.

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Re: Guys!!!

Very nice post,buckshotbabe! grin.gifYou folks have some really sweet replys,too. cool.gifJust goes and proves how great it is to have both genders hunting. cool.gifI've heard the "you don't need make-up" thing.Thats OK.Maybe I don't....but sometimes I use it. wink.gifIs that a problem? grin.gifWhatever works is good enough for me.Just don't take on more meat than you can process. grin.gifcool.gif

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Guest chicks_hunt_to

Re: Guys!!!

well in texas everyone hunts so i bet the men think that we are sexy in camo but that is not my concern i have my scope set on a 10 point whitetail

p.s. the men in here are in rut a little to soon tongue.gif

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Re: Guys!!!

"Well, It's just I've met alot of guys who think that if you hunt, your butchy"

I know just what you mean Buckshotbabe. It is like there is some law that if you wear camo, you can't own dresses or makeup! I was shopping in Dick's the other day for some warm hunting gloves. As I was trying them on the man next to me said my husband must have very small hands. I didn't know what he was talking about for a minute and then realized he just assumed I was shopping for my husband! I told him I was buying for myself, but because of the way I was dressed he said he didn't think I was a hunter. He wasn't mean or condesending about it, but just assumed because I was dressed "womanly" I didn't like to get my hands dirty! LOL

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Re: Guys!!!


P.S There is nothing more attractive than a girl in camo!!! tongue.gif

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Ya'll need to come to Missouri and teach these guys down here that a woman in camo is sexy. When I go to the store after hunting with my camo on everyone looks at me like your a girl you can't wear camo. And I had a guy to tell me that one day I went into walmart and came out and he stoped me and told me that.

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I don't know what part of Missouri you live but around here it is fairly common for women to hunt and most guys support it whole heartedly. Back when I was in school at least half of the cheerleaders deer hunted.

I have noticed that in some areas it seems to still be just a guy thing though.

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Re: Guys!!!




We're girls. We're straight girls at that. We'll never have a chance to date a girl

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LOL i was not tryin to tell you to really go date one! Just amking a point!!! Above they asked how is it hard to figure us out or something! So i replied to that! Just tryin to make a point! LOL

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Wow..Ryan really know how to dig yourself a hole!! grin.gif

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Open mouth insert BOTH FEET!!! I love it knowing that women hunt! I wished my wife would but she just says she never will! Now my daughter on the other hand! She tells me now she wants to go, but she is only 5. Maybe I need to start taking her out in the woods huh?

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Re: Guys!!!

lil-blonde-deerkiller, your not the odd one out, my wife is all about the hair, makeup, and clothes, she loves her time in the woods (except when it cold), and yes she thinks it a fashion contest in the woods also... I litterally have to tie her hands behind her back so she won't put on make up, hair spray, and all the other glitter, before we go to the woods, she has recently grown fond of ball caps (thank god, lol), she decided that gun hunting didn't offer the greatest challenge after shooting her buck this year, so now she's going to pick up a bow this winter.

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Guest chicks_hunt_to

Re: Guys!!!

She tells me now she wants to go, but she is only 5. Maybe I need to start taking her out in the woods huh?

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well i would just let her come with u on a hunt one day

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Re: Guys!!!

Here in Montana there are an abundance of female hunters. My wife and daughter among them and the time shared in the outdoors, either hunting, fishing or just hiking in the mountains, has brought some of the most enjoyable times in my life. The only thing, this post is an example, that I do not understand is, why does everything involving females automatically bring sex into the equation. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but there is a time and place for everything. Sometimes there is a testosterone frenzy, but come on guys, get a grip on it. Women....hunt on! You deserve to join in on the fun.

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Re: Guys!!!

Hey people,women do hunt and they look good doing it.This man that my dad knows called the other day and wanted to know if we could come down to his farm and kill some of the deer.My dad could'nt go because he is taking chemo and radiation for cancer.This is the first year that we have not hunted together for about 16 years.Anyway I went to this man's farm and met him and his family.4 daughters -2 that hunt.They said they had so many they needed help.They showed me some stand sites that they had set up(great locations too).I just love it when a plan comes together.Smart,beautiful,camo ladies.Life is GREAT.I love to see women hunting and fishing,I think it's great.Keep it up ladies.Going hunting Friday morning.I think it'll be a all day hunt at that.Maybe more days to follow.

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: Guys!!!

i met my better half on the computer....of course he saw my name..outdoorgirl ... he started talking to me and asking me all kinds of questions about hunting ....fishings ...he never would let me be until we set up a date ( hunting trip together } well i showed him i could hunt i shot a nice 11 pointer ...he was so happy ....and so was i because this guy i fell in love with has the best hunting property in the adirondacks !! talk about a match made in ....we have been together for 4 years .....and enjoy hunting and fishing together.

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