Hangin' stands.....


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I thought I'd take advantage ofa little cool front that moved thru and hang a few stands---high today 83. Every year it seems hanging stands gets just a little tougher. I don't remember hanging stands being so hard when I was in my 20's but now being 40 it wears me out. I hung 4 chain on stands today. Hanging 20 feet up by a harness and using a rope to pull up the stands has my muscles aching! Anyway here a few pics of the finished product.

This stand is situtated on the edge of a food plot. Huntable with a North to Northwest wind. I can also hunt a straight west wind also---anything east knocks this stand out.


Here's a view of the plot from the stand:


And a view of the major trail leading to the plot--heads in a Northeast direction from the stand:


Stand 2:

This is my south wind stand. Huntable with a straight south or even better with a southeast wind. A great early season (hot weather) stand as it is situated by the only pond on the property.


A view to the east. I usually hunt this stand in the morning. The main feeder plot is about 200 yards away and this trail leads from the plot to the pond. The deer usually leave the plot about an hour after light--come to get a drink--then head off to the bedding area which is about 100 yards northeast.


The pond is just west of the stand. The closest edge is about 25 yards from the stand. You gotta love that Oklahoma red clay smile.gif


After hanging stands I decided to shoot a few arrows. My arms were so weak from pulling up stands I had a hard time pulling back my 60#--anyway I didn't think I did too bad for as bad as I was shaking--27 yards.



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Re: Hangin\' stands.....

All mine are up from years past. I just keep em on time tested deer trails.

However this year I am in ground blind mode.

Or want to be.

Man this heat and humidity is keeping my motovation down.

Come on September!!! (Good month for this type of thing...) LOL

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