Story my Grandmother told me


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My granny was born in 1870 something and before she died in 1966 I remember her telling me a story about going buffalo hunting. She was still a little girl at the time, but could remember it clearly. Her whole extended family, about 15 of them, loaded up the covered wagons and set out from Central Texas to travel to the panhandle area of Texas to hunt buffalos. It took them a couple of weeks to get there and they planned to stay and hunt for about a month. Every day the men would saddle up their horses and ride off in search of the buffalos, while the women stayed in camp to cook and watch the kids. After a couple of weeks and no sign of buffalo, the men were starting to get discouraged. But one day, while the men were away, a small herd came wandering by the camp. So the women all grabbed their guns and started shooting. When the men got back late that evening, the gals had 4 dead buffalo waiting for them. Turned out to be the only ones they got. And for all I know, those may have been some of the last buffalos killed in Texas.

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