Story on poached buck in Michigan

Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

If that link don't work, look under Bill Jordan post, Buckee (moderator) put up a better link. There is some more info. on there too. It was shot in a suburb, which does not allow hunting.

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Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

Yep....this is the one Bill Jordan poached. laugh.gif What a stud!! (The deer, not Bill Jordan....although I am not dissing Bill, I, a guy, do not think Bill is a stud, but his wife might. His wife is not a stud, she might think he (Bill, not the deer) is a stud, not that she is a stud, unless of course she wants to be a stud.) Forget it, you know what I mean........ crazy.gif

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Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

I don't get it. Why are people accusing Bill Jordon of poaching this? Bill is a heck of a lot older than 37 IMO and it says it was a neighbor. Bill lives in Georgia and I don't think he was doing contract work during deer season.

"The 37-year-old Washington Township resident was doing contract work for the owner of a home near John R and Square Lake roads. Police said the man asked and received permission from the homeowner to hunt on the land, which is illegal in Troy."

Or is this just more gossip that is going around?

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Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

if i understand this correctly, the man shot it illegally because he was in some sort of town or township? thats all he did wrong right? i don't know if baiting is illegal there, it didn't say.

i can understand if the guy didn't know they weren't allowed to hunt there, especially after recieving permission from the landowner.

heres why i believe if he didn't know:

first off, he's only working at the guys house. he doesn't know the rules of the area.

another reason i believe he may not have known is because of this reason. my inlaws live on top of a mountain. 2-3 miles away from town. lots of forest and such. BUT, their address is the towns name. this means that no one can hunt up there, even though its a highly wooded area, 2-3 miles from town, and lots of deer because technically its within town limits which makes it illegal to hunt.

what i'm saying is that just looking at the area you would never think that. and especially if i were to just drive up there, not knowing anyone and ask permission to hunt and recieve it.

I think thats the real issue here is that he didn't know he wasn't supposed to be hunting there by law because he recieved permission from a landowner who lives there and said it was ok.

now don't get me wrong. if they were in some kind of a housing development that has a fair amount of wooded area between lots and such then he should've known, but it just doesn't sound that way.

i can't blame the guy. like i said, if i were to ride up to the top of the mountain, i would never think that you technically aren't allowed to hunt there and i would've shot a deer like that. heck, i would've shot a doe and been happy. it wouldn't even have to be over a huge buck of this caliber.

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Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

"Police said the man could face a $500 fine and 90 days in jail. The homeowner who gave him permission will likely not face charges, the station reported."

That is all the guy is going to face? What a Crock of Crap. I guess some states don't take poaching seriously.

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Guest bigbuckmiddaugh

Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

This is what i've heard! And i wouldn't doubt it.

The meat is being donated to a local charity, and the man is paying deep into his pocket for this one.

The county is fining him for trespassing, hunting in city limits, disturbing protected wetlands.

The DNR is getting him for poaching, no kill tag, littering (for the gut pile), and restitution for the deer taken. The man also has to pay to have a full body mount done on the deer which will be in a museum (not sure which one), he will also be banned from hunting for an unspecified time frame. And faces a couple other fines on top of that.

Here's some more gossip!

Warrants are pending against a bow hunter who illegally took aim at some deer in a Troy neighborhood, police said.

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Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan

Oh, I've got an idea.....Lets get some contraceptive darts and sterilize the does. Don't EVEN try to talk to them about controlled hunting in the neighborhoods. They wouldn't hear of it. They're the same people that think trying to sterilize the does is a good idea. Greg

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Re: Story on poached buck in Michigan


Ignorance is no excuse!

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm not saying it is. but read my example.

keep in mind that i don't know this area, i've never even heard of what kind of area it is but if someone asked to hunt there, and the landowner said yes, then it must be a more rural area.

just look at my example.

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