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Guest TheNumber1Young1


Thats great, its just makes me want Oct 1st, to come even quicker, i have no idea how im going to concentrate in school, in September.

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Looking good.

How far of a shot is that...25, 30 yrds?? grin.gif

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I believe it is right at 25yrds. smirk.gifwink.gif The tree to the left of her is about 20yrds. She was within 20 easily when she exited to the left. My son and I were pumped just as if it were season. He kept asking me if we could shoot that deer opening day smile.gifsmile.gif I said sure!!!!! We haven't shot a doe off the place in 2 years anyhow. And since she's by herself I won't feal bad about leaving a fawn without it's mother.

Looking at her through binoculars I could see that her bag seem to be full but she seemed to be alone. My dad seen her again this morning and she still didn't have a fawn with her.

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Glad to hear u are shooting a few does. U got to keep the buck 2 doe ratio in perspective. How many acres of hunting u got there? Oh, nice spot!!! grin.gif

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From best I can tell from my game cam pics and deer I have seen myself we had a 1-1 ratio last year, thats including 1 1/2-3 1/2 year old bucks.

We have about 50 acres in the imediate areas around this plot but 1/3 of it is unused pasture that gets mowed every fall for fire safety reasons.

And also have about 80 acres to the south, no easy access, have to walk accross nieghbors 30 acres to get to it, lots of bedding areas and about every oak tree there is and plenty of spring fed ponds, atleast 12 within 3/4 of a mile to the south and west(old strip mines).

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