Aluminum..Fixed Wing Penetration!!


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These photographs are of a deer's hip bone that was destroyed by Magnus Bro two years ago. I am pretty sure that this will prove that a fixed wing and some aluminum poisoning will take down an animal. The shot was taken from 20 yards on the ground. It entered through the right front rib cage... severed two rib bones and then redirected itself into the left rear hip bone shown here. The deer had turned to flee as the arrow was released. This resulted in a slightly quartering to angle upon impact. Boy those Satellite Titans do a fine job! The aluminum shafts sure push them through nicely!





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Re: Aluminum..Fixed Wing Penetration!!

Not to argue on these pictures and I could be wrong. These are excellent pictures and a great demonstration, but this joint looks like the elbow of the front leg. A hip bone has a ball joint on the end of it. I'm being the devils advocate here, but that is a perfect side to side shot on a the bone. It's just my assumption that if the deer was turning, it would be a front to back shot of the bone hit in the hip. I'm not doubting anything about the pentration and broadhead performance, it just looks like an oppostie shoulder hit to me. I'd would have never tought a razor tipped/all cutting edged braodhead would go through bone like that. Great pic's! wink.gif

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Re: Aluminum..Fixed Wing Penetration!!

Correction on the joint fellas. The joint is a knee and if I am to understand the story correctly the reason that the entry of the broadhead is at that angle is because the body was in the shape of a U when it turned. Meaning that the front would have been quartering to and the butt end would still have been straight. Thanks Straight shooter for helping me realize that I needed to get the story straight. wink.gif

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