Oh Boy! Was At Cabela's Today!!!


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Well I got my Summit Goliath X5 treestand, Hunters Safety System harness, Trophy Ridge Micro Matrix sight, Fallguy Treestand Safety System, two treestand straps(to really lock the stand in-place!), 30 foot pull strap to lift the bow or gun, new set of six Muzzy Three blade broadheads, Primos bow sling, and a Realtree EZHanger! Not gonna say how much cash I dumped! Lets just say the wife is not happy! Oh well she dont hunt so I spent her half of the hunting money! LMBO!!!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I am so pumped for October 1st! The Summit treestand and Hunter Safety System harness both came with a DVD. The Summit DVD was PRICELESS! They showed you how to set it up along with safety tips, so far Summit gets a 100% in my book as far as being soooooo helpful in set-up! Going out tomorrow morning to try it on a tree! Sorry JB! They showed a dead tree and advised not to use this type of tree! I was thinking of you at that moment! I was like, crazy.gifcrazy.gifcrazy.gif This is my second treestand the other one was a Baker, them babies are hard on your chest! This Summit looks like a dream to climb with! Even though I am only 190 pounds, I chose the Summit Gloliath X5 because its three inches wider than the Viper X5, also the 350 weight limit is more comforting knowing the added strength!

Oh yeah, also bought a single screw in tree step! The gentleman at Cabela's is a Bowhunting Instructor. He said that having a single screw in tree step will help you in decending in the invent of a fall, when you can not get back into your stand. It will allow you to take the weight off the straps and move it down! Might take a little bit longer! But Its better than being DEAD! He was cool to deal with!

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Re: Oh Boy! Was At Cabela\'s Today!!!

NRA...you should have went to Basspro...Fri. there were alot of Pro-staff there (Bob Fulkrod, Matt Morrett, Joel for Realtree etc...) and Sat. (today) David Blanton was supposed to be there. I stopped in Fri. afternoon on our way back from vacation and got to meet a few guys...although there was no one at the Realtree table! smirk.gif Wanted to go today...but we came home a day early from vacation and wasn't about to drive back down there to meet David (3 hour trip, one way).

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Re: Oh Boy! Was At Cabela\'s Today!!!



Yeah, I seen they were having a Fall Classic. Actually forgot all about it! LOL! They would still take my Cabela's Visa card too!!! grin.gif

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Hey LifeNRA, I will take your Cabelas Visa Card also if you will give it to me to use! grin.gif

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Oooooooooh NO! She still hasnt spoken to me yet! LOL!!! grin.gifblush.gifgrin.gif She will get over it once the venison starts coming home! cool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

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