3D Targets Waterproof?


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Re: 3D Targets Waterproof?

Sun kills them 100x more then anything else. Mine anyways. I never noticed any ill effects to water. Its foam so water should not get inside it much less threw arrow holes but still it should not damage them.

However the sun dry rots them fast so keep them in shade or cover them somehow. Old peice of tarp or something will work..

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Re: 3D Targets Waterproof?

The sun does the most damage for sure. Water has never been much of an issue though. My targets are out for 6-8 months out of the year. I will have to start replacing them one at a time in a couple years. I have five in all, and they have been worth every penny. 3D is the way to go....

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Re: 3D Targets Waterproof?

i shoot several 3d courses that leave there targets up all year long.. yes sun is the main thing that makes them fade ..

but if you keep them in a shady spot so that they arent in the sun all the time they should last a long time .. depeding on how much you shoot them..

Shoot Strong


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