new at bowhuntin


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Guest coop2564

Re: new at bowhuntin

To learn the fastest. Join a local 3d club and find a local pro shop. Watch and listen to the exiperanced shooters. If this isnt a good option for you. go to bass pro or cabelea's and their are tapes you can buy that will help. And remember everyone has a personel favorite type equipment. Just because Joe is winning all the shoots with X brand doesnt mean you have to shoot the same stuff to be a good shot. Most major bows and equipment are capable of outshooting the shooter. Learn what good form is and get matched equipment for you. And shoot a lot until you dont even have to think about form. And you'll find all your arrow around the bulleye.

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Guest coop2564

Re: new at bowhuntin

One other thing. When shooting at whitetails aim low only about 4 inches up from bottom line. 90% of the time their kill zone wont be were it was when the arrow gets there they will drop some. If they dont you'll take out the heart. If over 30yds aim a couple inches higher they will be already coming back up by then.

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Re: new at bowhuntin

Is your bow already set up?If not that's a whole other ball game.I'll assume it is for now.You don't have to have the bow cranked all the way down to start with.You will condition yourself later.First start out with low expectations.Start with short distances to build your confidence level.Say 10-20yds.You have to keep a consistant anchor point.Pick a spot,and stick with it.Some like to anchor just under their jaw.I prefer to anchor at the corner of my mouth.Keep your hand that is on the bow open.Let the bow settle in your thumb pocket,and you'll be holding it like you are making an ok hand signal.Your bottom 3 fingers(pinky,ring,middle)Will be pointed toward the target.With both eyes open,find the spot you want to hit on your target,then slowly squeeze the trigger on your release.Keep focused at your aim point until the arrow hits.That is called follow through.Some people develop what I call muzzleloader syndrome.Where they snatch their head around the bow to watch the arrow.Like a muzzleloader shooter may duck under the smoke or try and look around it to see if he knocked the deer down,or which direction it is going.Once you build your confidence,then you can try longer shots.Hope this helped,and if you have any more specific questions please ask them. grin.gif

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