ThremaCELL to heat a scent pad?


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Just wondering if anyone has used one of thier spent/used pads for scent?


A used, but cleaned, repellent pad for some Tinks 69...

If I ever use scent as a lure then I want it warm to hot so it carries better.

I also figure the mosquitoes are not a problem during the rut in VT so I can still get some use out of my ThremaCELL.


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Re: ThremaCELL to heat a scent pad?

Therma-Cell has a unit out specifically for that called........Therma-Scent. It comes with a special clamp that snaps on right over the heat source along with three special scent pads that are specifically made for absorbing any liquid deer scents. They now sell just the Therma-Scent attachments so you don't have to buy another unit.


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