gave in to biskit-pressure


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I finally did it. After a couple years of buddies telling how much they loved their whisker biskits I bit the bullet and put one on my bow this afternoon. I got a half dozen new Beman ICS Trebark Hunter arrows as well. Rest feels real good. I love the security of not having to worry about the arrow falling off the rest. My only concern. Have you guys who use them been busted by deer hearing you draw? My old rest was dead quiet due to the leather cover on the launcher. This is a little louder. Do the bristles get quieter after they get worn or do you guys try to draw early when you have deer coming in? definitely a great product.

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Re: gave in to biskit-pressure

Congrats on the WB, and good luck with it. What I love about my Vital Bow Gear rest, is it has the advantage of the WB in that it holds the arrow securely, with the advantages of a drop away.

Here is a pic of my Outback hanging upside down with an arrow on the rest.


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Guest kunegos

Re: gave in to biskit-pressure

I've never had any noise with mine, shooting really chap beaman arrows and ACC's. I had a buddy though who said his would hiss a little bit on the draw. It never was enough to affect hunting though.

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Guest Sagitarius

Re: gave in to biskit-pressure

Take a cotton ball on the front side and drag it through the hole front to back. It will leave some of the cotton on the wisker tips and effectivley silence it. It only lasts one or two shots but it is dead silent and you only get one or two shots all season as it is. This came from the local Carolina Archery rep.

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