My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

Guest fishermanwhohunts

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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

I second the recommendation to find a mentor. Reading is great and you can learn lots, but nothing takes the place of experience. Is there any hunting clubs in your area? Maybe you could look into joining one of them and gaining a mentor there. I have been able to hunt with some elderly men and learned more from a few hours with them then I would in 5 years of reading or hunting on my own!

What do you need for equipment? I am sure people will have lots of suggestions if you let us know just what you are looking for. Do you just want to hunt with the bare bone basics, or do like lots of gadgets? (i'm a big sucker for the gadgets, but few live up to their many

Joining a club will also help you locate land to hunt.

Good luck! I am sure you are going to love it!

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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

Same as the other guys as far as learning. I would barrow a gun if possible, but if you can't here is a pretty cheap solid gun. It's not the best, but it's light on recoil, relatively cheap to shoot, and has open sights so you won't have to buy a scope. Braztech 243

Or this one NEF 30-30 It's a little more expensive, but a better gun, and a bit cheaper to shoot.

The only equiptment that is a must to me is a good pair of water proof boots and warm clothes. Guys will tell you to buy all the scent block stuff, camo, calls, optics, ect. but none of them are "MUST HAVE" items.

When I shot my first two deer, I was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and shooting a barrowed 30-30 with open sights.

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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

Sign up for and take a hunter education class now. You may be able to hook up with a mentor there; instructors, or someone taking the class with a kid or spouse.

I know where you are coming from...did it the same way. I read everything I could get my hands on...don't forget to check the library where it's free. Become a good marksman, then take that to the woods. Even if you do everything else wrong at first, as long as you are out there, hunting safely, and can hit your target, you will eventually get lucky. PERSEVERE! Can't kill them from your couch.


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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

My dad never hunted either. So like others are suggesting, I found friends who hunted to teach me. I borrowed a 20 ga. and went along with no idea how this one act would lead me to being a hunting junkie.

Learning to hunt is not difficult, but if you've never done it, it can be overwhelming and not much fun with no one to teach you.

Hook up with a buddy, or go to a bow shop or other place where hunters hang out. Get to know a couple people and see if you can get one of them to take you. Borrow a gun, buy a couple boxes of ammo, an orange hat and vest and then take it all in. Just be safe.

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Guest clayton819

Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

find anouther hunter in ur area and ask him about good places. as for equipment

gun .270

good clothes worm and dry and just try to teach ur self thats about all i can tell ya

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Guest fishermanwhohunts

Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

Thanks. I already have a bow, and high power rifles aren't allowed for deer here in Iowa. Strange thing though, they are allowed for coyotes. I also know someone who knows land owners. I'm sort of in between gadget guy and barebones.;) One thing. Do I start out treestand or ground blind? confused.gif

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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?


Do I start out treestand or ground blind?

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Either way. It comes down to personal preferance. A ground blind can be litterally free constructed of blow down and other materials, or expensive such as commercial blinds. Ground blinds are great to hunt out of. Tree stands are awesome too. Generally there is more visablity and the elevation often makes it easier to draw on game (not always though). The best tree stands are generally the quality chain or strap on ones, or climbers. Home made stands can be good too, just watch the materials every year for signs of rotting.

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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

I really feel for you- My Dad deer hunted when I was a 4-5 year old and died before I learned anything from him. Im self taught, but was lucky enough to have some very expirenced friends and some great people that wanted to help. Just talk to as many poeple as possilbe. You will lose before you win. Just keep going

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Guest fishermanwhohunts

Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?


I really feel for you- My Dad deer hunted when I was a 4-5 year old and died before I learned anything from him. Im self taught, but was lucky enough to have some very expirenced friends and some great people that wanted to help. Just talk to as many poeple as possilbe. You will lose before you win. Just keep going

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I can relate to you. The only grandpa I had that lived to see me exist died before I ever got to fish with him. I was five at the time and either he was about to take me or he was going to take me at six because my cousin who was born in the August before my birth got to fish with him. I couldn't even mourn properly, or ever got to say goodbye. I went to the hospital where he died, everybody I know well from that side of the family came to see him and nobody did. It was his first heart-attack and I don't think much was tried. I think it could've been possible to do enough for some last words. Alot of his (outdoor) things went to garage sale and I don't think the only thing I got (one of his fishing rod and a three hook plastic worm with propeller in front) was chosen for me by my grandpa by last will & testament. I think someone else picked it out.

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Re: My dad never hunted deer! What do I do?

Some good advice above. Take your hunter safety education course. Find someone who hunts and tag along with them scouting and on into the season if you can. I learned pretty much all I know on my own through experience, never had anyone to teach me about hunting really.

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