Do you mess with 'em?


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I have a bad habit of whenever i see a deer and it doesnt look to be coming my way, i always call to it. Its just something i enjoy to do, even if im not gonna shoot it. For instance, if im not gonna shoot a doe, and one is about 60 yards out away from me, i just cant help but give her a couple bleats and see what she does. Or grunt at a little fork that i dont want to shoot. I just enjoy seeing how they react. It's probably not the best idea, becuz sooner or later they figure it out and leave. Do you think it spooks them or anything? Do you do this too?

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Re: Do you mess with \'em?

Depends on where I'm hunting...if I'm hunting an area where there are a few nice bucks that I want to hunt, I usally will let them walk. But I have messed with bleats, grunts, rattling (to bucks) to see how they react. I had one little 7 pointer all fired up last year. Was neat to see him leave and come back 3 times, rubbing trees and pawing the ground before he finally left.

I see nothing wrong with experimenting, another way to learn how whitetails react. wink.gif

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Re: Do you mess with \'em?

I don't see how experimenting is a bad thing. But mrpither71 does have a point. I don't know if I would try it every time, but once in a while - who cares. People need to practice.

I bleated a couple of does before (I would have shot them) and they took off. Now I only use my truetalker for grunts and leave the bleating to "the can" baby.

One has to fail in order to gain experience.

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Re: Do you mess with \'em?

I do it sometimes, but usually only when I'm bored. A few years ago, I had this little six pointer coming in to my calling. He came halfway across a field that was nearly 400 yards wide. He stopped out in the middle, so I grunted some more. Next thing I know, there are two bigger bucks running into the field and they were fired up. I ended up shooting the biggest, an eight pointer. Too bad he had three broken tines, or I might of had him mounted. It's fun to see how deer react to grunts and bleats, just don't over do it.

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Re: Do you mess with \'em?

Nope, I never mess with a deer I don't plan on shooting. If it's a doe, and I educate her that's one less doe that might be coming through my area when the bucks start rutting. If it's a small buck, that buck might be something I would be interested in taking next year. He's going to get smarter enough between now and then, so there's no use in me adding to it. That's just the way I look at it. wink.gif

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